Butterfly Species Host Plants
Published with permission.
Anise Swallowtail anise, parsley, carrot, dill, fennel, rue
Eastern Black Swallowtail anise, parsley, carrot, dill, fennel, rue, Golden Alexanders (Zizia aurea)
Giant Swallowtail citrus, hop tree, prickly ash, rue
Pipevine Swallowtail Dutchman’s Pipe, pipevines (not the exotics), Virginia snakeroot
Spicebush Swallowtail spicebush (primarily), sassafras, camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphoravarious bays (Persea spp.)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, many broadleaf trees and shrubs, lilac, willow, birch, tuliptree, cherry
Zebra Swallowtail pawpaw
Monarch Milkweed (Asclepias)
Viceroy willow, poplar, aspen, apple, cherry, plum
Red-Spotted Purple apple, aspen, cherry, hawthorn, hornbeam, poplar, willow
Great Spangled Fritillary violets, (Viola tricolor)
Variegated Fritillary Violets, (Viola tricolor), pansies, stonecrops, passionflowers (Passiflora incarnata), plantains
Meadow Fritillary violets (Viola sororia, Viola pallens)
Mourning Cloak elm, poplar, willow
Question Mark elm, hackberry, hop, nettle, false nettle
Green Comma rhododendron, azalea, birch, willow
Red Admiral nettle, false nettle (Boehmeria cylindrica), hop
Painted Lady members of the mallow family, Malva sylvestris, Tree mallow (Lavatera), thistles, goosefoots
American Painted Lady daisies, everlastings, other composites, Hollyhock (Alcea rosea), Pearly Everlastings
Buckeye plantain, snapdragon, stonecrop, verbena, (Verbena stricta), other garden flowers
Baltimore Checkerspot turtlehead (primarily), false foxglove, plantain, white ash
Pearly Crescents pot asters, New England Aster (A. novae-angliae)
Great Purple Hairstreak mistletoes
Gray Hairstreak cotton, mallows, strawberry, legumes, mints
American Copper sheep sorrel, curly dock, mountain sorrel
Tailed Blue clovers, beans, peas
Spring Azure blueberry, California lilac, dogwoods, meadowsweet, viburnum
Cloudless Sulphur Senna marilandica, senna, clovers, other legumes
Clouded Sulphur clovers and other legumes, Wild Blue Indigo (Baptisia australis)
Orange Sulphur white clover, alfalfa, vetch, lupine, Wild Blue Indigo (Baptisia australis)
Dogface false indigo, clovers, lupine, vetch, leadplant
Checkered White crucifers, Cleome
Cabbage White Cabbage, Mustards, other crucifers, nasturtium
Zebra Longwing passionflowers, Passiflora incarnata
Gulf Fritillary passionflowers, Passiflora incarnata, Passiflora caerulea
Malachite yerba papagayo